英语人教新课标选修九第五单元微课How advertising works(阅读)已播放349次
Period 1 Discuss the good deed of returning lost money(Unit 5 The value of money)-高中英语必修3(新教材同步)已播放126次
Period 2 Read about a bet between two wealthy men(1)(Unit 5 The value of money)-高中英语必修3(新教材同步)已播放88次
Period 3 Read about a bet between two wealthy men(2)(Unit 5 The value of money)-高中英语必修3(新教材同步)已播放53次
Period 4 Express modality and talk about future events in the past(Unit 5 The value of money)-高中英语必修3(新教材同步)