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法国电信地址_介绍_评价_工资待遇 - 职场头条网

  • 发表时间:2023-04-24 23:19:36

法国电信 认领

计算机/互联网/通信/电子  北京   100-500人  外资(非欧美)

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公司全称 法国电信


网址 http://www.orange.com

类型 外资(非欧美)

地区 北京

地址 6 Pl. dAlleray, Paris 75505,Paris,France

行业 计算机/互联网/通信/电子 电信


城市 巴黎

国家 法国

员工人数 168694

地址 6 Pl. dAlleray, Paris 75505,Paris,France

行业 电信

营业额 61964.9百万美元



About France TelecomFrance Telecom, one of the principal telecommunications operators in the world, had almost 160 million customers in five continents (220 countries or territories) as of December 31, 2006, out which two thirds under the Orange brand. In 2006, the Group achieved consolidated revenues of 51.7 billion euros. Launched in June 2005, the NExT program (New Experience in Telecommunications) is enabling the Group to continue its conversion as an integrated operator in order to make France Telecom the operator of reference for the new telecommunications services in Europe. Since June 2006, Orange became the Group's single brand for the Internet, television and wireless telephony in France, the United Kingdom the Netherlands and in Spain, and Orange Business Services became the brand for the services offered to business worldwide. France Telecom is the second largest wireless operator and Internet access provider in Europe and among the world leaders in telecommunications services for multinational companies.France Telecom (NYSE:FTE) is listed on the Eurolist market of Euronext Paris and on the New York Stock Exchange法国电信集团法国电信是世界领先的电信运营商之一, 至2006年底在五大洲220多个国家和地区共拥有近1.6亿用户 ,其中三分之二为Orange品牌下的用户。2006年集团收入为517亿欧元。2005年6月推出的NExT战略(New Experience in Telecommunications 即“电信业务新体验”)将集团全业务运营商的概念进一步延伸,致力将其打造成欧洲新业务的先锋代表。自2006年6月以来,Orange已经成为集团唯一的服务品牌,在法国、英国、荷兰和西班牙同时代表互联网、电视和无线电话业务,而Orange Business Service (Orange企业服务)已经在全球范围内成为为大企业提供通信服务的品牌。法国电信是欧洲第二大无线电话和互联网运营商,同时还是世界第一大为跨国公司提供通讯服务的运营商。法国电信(NYSE:FTE)在巴黎和纽约交易所上市。______________________________________________________________________________________Orange LabsFrance Telecom puts technological innovation at the heart of its concerns. With 3 400 researchers and over 8000 patents, its Orange Labs Network is the engine of its innovation capability, in France and abroad. Its role is to anticipate technological revolutions and new uses, providing innovation to offer customers the best from telecommunications, simultaneously imagining today the technologies which will be part of their daily life tomorrow. Its Labs' results have put the Group in the leading position in Europe in terms of telecommunications research and development. Established on 17 sites, including 8 abroad (London, San Francisco, Boston, Tokyo, Warsow, Beijing, Seoul, New Delhi, Spain), the researchers of France Telecom are involved in the design and the development of approximately 70% of the products of the group.Orange LabsOrange Labs是集团发展的强大支柱,在世界三大洲建立了17个研发分支机构,其中包括8个海外研发分支,分布在伦敦、旧金山、波士顿、东京、华沙、北京、汉城、新德里和西班牙。Orange Labs拥有4200多名研发人员,至今已创造了8000多项专利。凭借其先进技术,被公认为世界三大电信研发中心之一。________________________________________________________________________________Orange Labs BeijingFounded in July 2004, Orange Labs Beijing is dedicated to provide the best innovations generated from China to France Telecom Group's worldwide offerings.Orange Labs Beijing focuses its research on six main domains: Innovation Terminals, Open Source Technologies, Data Networks, Speech and Natural Language Processing, Wireless System and Usage Innovation/Multimedia/VAS.In addition, it closely watches the general telecom technology and market development in China, giving strategic advices to the group or subsidiaries who are studying their China strategies.Orange Labs Beijing has over 100 researchers.Orange Labs Beijing成立于2004年7月的法国电信北京研发中心致力于为集团提供来自中国的创新。北京研发中心主要侧重于以下六个领域的研究:创新终端、开源技术、数据网络、语音和自然语言处理、无线系统以及应用创新/多媒体/增值服务。除此之外,研发中心还密切关注中国电信市场的变化,为集团其他子公司进入中国市场提供咨询帮助。法国电信北京研发中心拥有100多名研究人员。We are opening new positions .
法国电信工资待遇 我要晒工资
职位 平均工资/月 最低工资 最高工资


¥20000 ¥20000

法国电信软件开发最高工资: ¥20000

法国电信软件开发最低工资: ¥20000

法国电信软件开发平均工资: ¥20000 (1名员工平均工资)


¥15000 ¥15000

法国电信项目经理最高工资: ¥15000

法国电信项目经理最低工资: ¥15000

法国电信项目经理平均工资: ¥15000 (1名员工平均工资)


¥13400 ¥13400

法国电信前台接待最高工资: ¥13400

法国电信前台接待最低工资: ¥13400

法国电信前台接待平均工资: ¥13400 (1名员工平均工资)


¥10000 ¥10000

法国电信信息安全工程师-兼职最高工资: ¥10000

法国电信信息安全工程师-兼职最低工资: ¥10000

法国电信信息安全工程师-兼职平均工资: ¥10000 (1名员工平均工资)


¥0 ¥0

法国电信物理层实习生最高工资: ¥0

法国电信物理层实习生最低工资: ¥0

法国电信物理层实习生平均工资: ¥0 (0名员工平均工资)

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